News and Commentary from one of Torrance’s leading therapists.
Psychological Assessments offer enormous benefits to both clinicians and clients. They can help determine complex diagnoses and clarify symptoms, coping styles and personality. They can also specify the types of therapy most likely to help the client.
When a client is “at a standstill” in therapy, assessments can engage them. They are a way to measure what is important to a client, discover how they like to be communicated with and to highlight their strengths and areas where the therapy needs to be focused.
Assessments also support growth and improvement in the therapeutic process by measuring and giving evidence. For example, at the beginning of therapy, an anxiety assessment might support significantly elevated anxiety. Four weeks later, another assessment would show that the level of anxiety has decreased. This provides the patient with reassurance that their hard work in therapy is paying off.
Lastly, assessments can actually be enjoyable – a way to honestly connect on issues that may be difficult to confront directly.
Go to to find out more about assessments and to sign up for a free 20-minute consultation!
(The Benefits of Psychological Assessments and When to Use Them, Tim Doyle, PsycheSceneHub.Com, Oct. 10, 2020).
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